La Gazette Mag de l’océan Indien is a reputed newspaper in Mauritius. To be more precise, this newspaper does not deal with politics, religion, or news. It is the journal of positive initiatives in Mauritius. They wrote a very nice article about EcoMauritius.mu in their November 2020 issue! We are very thankful for this wonderful opportunity and visibility 😍. You can access La Gazette at the nearest supermarket store, today! Learn more about La Gazette Magazine HERE.
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Ecomauritius is your one-stop ecological community and eco-e-commerce site for an environment-friendly, conscious shopping & lifestyle. We believe that everybody is responsible for protecting our planet. Through this platform, we promote & sell PRODUCTS, ACTIVITIES, LODGING, EVENTS, WORKSHOPS, BUSINESSES & SERVICES, ALL environment friendly. We all can make a difference by making little changes in how we think, purchase, and lead our lives. A beautiful future lies within our hands.
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