Upcycled / recycled

Home/Upcycled / recycled

Recycling involves the destruction of waste in order to create something new. Whereas upcycling takes waste and creates something new from it in its current state.

When upcycling, the original form is retained and the object is recognizable, which gives it a story. You can see what it has been and also what it has become. In this sense, the upcycled object is a kind of tribute to the object it used to be.

While recycling is practical, upcycling is highly creative and can involve a wide variety of techniques and materials to create the finished product.

In summary, reuse and upcycling reduce the need for recycling and are therefore great options for the environment. Once a material can no longer serve any purpose, then it is more eco-friendlier to recycle it than it is to send it to a landfill.

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