Book Mon Premier Potager (French Only)

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Book Mon Premier Potager (French Only)

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Vive le potager !

Ce petit guide pratique et bien illustré est idéal 

pour tous les enfants qui veulent créer un petit 

potager dans leur jardin ou sur leur balcon.

Dès l’âge de 6 ans, ils apprendront, étape par 

étape aux côtés de Tikoulou, à semer, arroser 

et récolter leurs premiers légumes. Ils sauront 

comment préparer la terre, choisir des légumes 

faciles à planter et découvriront le rôle utile ou 

nuisible des insectes et des petits animaux. 

Un formidable outil pédagogique

Le potager permet aux enfants de :

– se reconnecter à la nature en découvrant son 

cycle, ses besoins et sa biodiversité ; 

– de développer leur sens de l’observation, 

leur patience et leur sens de l’organisation car 

jardiner demande beaucoup de rigueur ;

– de les éveiller au parfum des herbes 

aromatiques qu’ils retrouveront dans la cuisine ;

– de cultiver des légumes sans pesticides et de leur apprendre à manger plus sainement.

Une précieuse collaboration

Mon premier potager est le résultat d’une étroite collaboration avec des spécialistes du FAREI qui ont validé l’ensemble des informations données dans le guide en s’assurant qu’elles soient toujours en rapport avec le contexte local mauricien.

FOR ECOMAURITIUS: Steps, no matter how small, to learn to be responsible for one’s environment from an early age, to learn not to waste and to protect nature.

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Our Environment Friendly Books 

Build your child’s Home Library today. Purchase fun, educational books for children to read and play while learning more about their surroundings.

We may all recall a child labeled bad or dumb in school because they learned differently or experienced other difficulties (often undiagnosed). Thankfully, society has made significant progress recognizing that not everyone has the same opinions or interests.

What does that mean for the parents? In this spirit, we are encouraged as parents to help our children and other children too to discover their own “reader identities.”

There is a way into reading for us all. Some children may read by ear (audiobooks) and engage with the story. However, other children may exclusively read graphic novels. Other children may devour the classics, or some children may explore and learn every new book you make a purchase for and add to the home library collection. Equally, we can help them create their identities, just like influencing their fashion sense.

Last but not least, finding reliable and trustworthy information written by a qualified and experienced professional can be challenging. Moreover, teaching students about how their decisions impact the environment seems like a really appropriate learning activity that will help them in the long run as well. I would advise you to check out HERE for more collections of the books that we offer. Additionally, what remains an inspiration to us in building our collection of books is the Top 10 Benefits of Environmental Education.


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