Screened Vermi Castings . Ideally, vermicompost is added in soil mixture during potting of a new plant. One part Garden soil, one part coco-peat & one part Vermicompost (1:1:1), all three are thoroughly mixed and added to the pot. This combination is often referred as a universal potting mixture.
Vermicompost can enhance soil fertility physically, chemically and biologically. Physically, vermicompost-treated soil has better aeration, porosity, bulk density and water retention. Chemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter content are also improved for better crop yield.
Simply speaking, vermicompost is earthworm excrement, called castings, which can improve biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil. The chemical secretions in the earthworm’s digestive tract help break down soil and organic matter, so the castings contain more nutrients that are immediately available to plants.
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